Everett Minshall

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Strategy Cookbook

Get 15 Strategies from beginner to advanced and FinRL. Everything from guides to boilerplate code to supercharge learning development, curated and maintained by me.


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Strategy Cookbook

Thank you for purchasing my strategy cookbook. Below is the collection of notebooks I've found most insightful in my learning of algorithmic finance. It took me several years to familiarize myself with the general field and the threshold can be daunting as a beginner to decide where to start learning.This tutorial collection is intended for beginners who want a starting point for accomplishing A) improving their general fluency in Python and/or B) quickly familiarize themself with commonly known strategies to springboard into further exploration of the field.A seasoned professional would likely not find this collection very insightful.## IMPORTANT ##I do not suggest anyone who purchases these tutorials to deploy the strategies with real money and anyone who does is taking on risk just like any other investment. This is not financial or investment advice. These notebooks are intended to help beginners improve their Python and showcase common quantitative finance concepts for educational purposes.###That being said, my experience learning these concepts has dramatically improved my Python fluency and has even helped me get a job working with clients in the investment banking, insurance, and corporate cash industries. If you are curious about the subject, the curation of this cookbook will help, and who knows, might be the start toward something really exciting.Thank you,-eminshall-## TABLE OF CONTENTS:Beginner Level
- Momentum Strategy
- Moving Average Strategy
- Mean Reversion Strategy
- Linear Regression Strategy
- Bollinger Bands Strategy
- VWAP Scalping Strategy
Advanced Level
- Predict Market Trend with Neural Network
- Clustering for Pairs Arbitrage
- Predicting Price with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
- Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization
Reinforcement Learning
- Three Notebooks on General FinRL Pipeline
- FinRL for Fundamentals Trading
- Multiple AI Ensemble Agents for Multi-Stock Trading
- Connect to Oanda for FX trading
- Adjust Returns for Inflation

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